The GIobal Internet Weather Receiver for your Mac!
• What does WeatherTracker do?
• Requirements
• Limitations
• Which Version is This?
• Where can I find the Latest Version?
• Changes in this Version
• Using MacHeadlines
• Shareware Notice
• How to Purchase
• Author
• Technical Support
• Archive Location
What does WeatherTracker do?
WeatherTracker is a specialized Internet browser that provides an easy-to-use interface to an on-line Internet weather service. For cities in North America, temperature, barometric pressure, winds, current conditions, local forecasts, wind chill, heat index, dewpoint, and climatic data are updated hourly. Coastal cities in the United States also have near shore marine forecasts available. Cities outside of North America also have the full set of current data and local forecasts, but may not be updated as often as North American cities. Fully customizable to your preferences, allowing you to view the cities that you want to track in a variety of "digital" and "analog" instrument windows of various sizes. WeatherTracker also allows you to view weather data in the units of your choice for each city, including temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius, or barometric pressure in Inches HG, Millimeters HG, MilliBar, or KiloPascal, etc.
System 7.0
68020 or higher processor
MacTCP or OpenTransport
Cities outside North America occasionally have limited data available, due to the weather service feed.
Which Version is This?
WeatherTracker 3.0.5
Released December 10, 1999
Where can I find the Latest Version?
The latest version of WeatherTracker can be found at
Changes in this Version:
• Maintenance Release
Shareware Notice
WeatherTracker is Shareware. You may freely distribute WeatherTracker as long as it is not modified in any way.
WeatherTracker 3.0.5 is shareware, $24.95 US. To encourage registration, this evaluation copy expires after 20 days and does not save preferences or update data automatically every hour. Upon registration, you will receive a License Key to unlock those features and also disable the Shareware Notice startup screen.
How to Purchase:
You can purchase a WeatherTracker License Key On-line (or by Phone, FAX, or Mail) via our website at:
Or simply run the "Purchase License Key" program in the WeatherTracker folder.